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Can social network can enhance your marriage? I have yet to find across a marriage that resembles the Facebook version of life. I understand mine doesn’t.
But typical terms utilized on Facebook are fantastic reminders of important elements of marriage as well as exactly how we should treat our spouses.
Whether you like it or dislike it, Facebook boils down the fundamental aspects necessary for marital harmony.
Facebook isn’t an icon of traditional marital wisdom, however utilize typical Facebook terms in your relationship–like, friend, share, what’s on your mind or update status, comment–and you may notice surprising results.
Here’s what I mean:
On Facebook, this is a simple method to show your buddies you enjoy what they’ve said. It’s validation. exactly how does this equate to marriage? everybody wants validation, including your spouse. A “like” is encouragement. It’s states “I hear you. Te văd. What you’ve stated is important.”After publishing on Facebook, exactly how frequently do you inspect back to see exactly how many “likes” you get? The more “likes” you get, the much better you feel. In marriage, “like” your spouse a lot. Validate him. A “like” is likewise a type of respect. It tells your spouse you support or agree with what he is stating or doing.
Friends are people you share your life with. You share important moments, triumphs, as well as sadness. A buddy likes at all times, as well as the bond can’t be damaged by just clicking “unfriend” or delete. Be a buddy to your hubby for much better or for worse as well as for richer or for poorer. buddies want what’s finest for you. They respect each other, listen to every other as well as work with conflict.
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When we believe about sharing, we usually believe about clothes, food, or money. however in a marriage sharing refers to whatever or almost everything. sometimes people go into marriage with a “mine is mine” as well as “yours is yours” or a 50/50 mindset. When you unite in marriage, mine as well as yours ended up being ours. You not only share material things, you likewise share your hearts, burdens, as well as experiences as well. being able to share life with somebody provides experiences more meaning. marriage thrives when couples share: the great as well as the bad, successes as well as failures, as well as disappointments, as well as hurts.
What’s on Your Mind or update Status
“Ce este în mintea ta?” greets you when you logon to your Facebook page. communication makes us feel linked with one another. “Status Update” is one of the most typical things people share on Facebook. It’s a method to tell people what’s going on in your life. The two most important kinds of communication are communication between guy as well as God as well as guy as well as other humans, particularly a spouse. interact what you’re feeling to your husband. let him understand what’s bugging you. likewise let him understand you love, respect, as well as appreciate him.
When your hubby tells you what’s on his mind, state something. Nothing’s more uncomfortable than stating something as well as it’s satisfied with silence, dead airspace. When you publish something on Facebook as well as you get no comments, you feel like nobody cares or no one’s listening. exact same is true in a marriage. Your hubby wishes to understand he’s been heard. You’re listening; iti pasa. If you don’t understand what to say, state that as well as ask exactly how you can help. Face un zgomot. You don’t have to have a long conversation. just acknowledge somebody has stated something to you.
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This one produces rather a bit of controversy everywhere except on Facebook. We click “follow”on Facebook with bit hesitation. I understand I do. I don’t feel like somebody is trying to take advantage of me or manager me around when I click their “follow” button. I don’t debate who’s in charge. But, that’s not my response when my hubby asks me to “follow.” utilizing Facebook terms, “follow” can mean you’re a “fan or supporter” or you “allow somebody to have influence in your life.” What was your response the last time your hubby asked yÎi -o „urmezi”?
Evident, termenii de pe Facebook nu acoperă toate elementele căsătoriei, cu toate acestea vă poate oferi un început fantastic în legătură pozitivă cu soțul dvs. Tratează -ți căsătoria ca și cum ai trata Facebook. Verificați de câteva ori pe zi. Comentați, actualizați -vă starea, precum și. La fel ca și cum ar putea fi viral.
Ce termeni de Facebook ar putea utiliza îmbunătățirea în căsătoria dvs.?
*Adăugat după comentariul vizitatorului.
Sheila Qualls este o fostă jurnalistă privată, precum și redactor pentru ziarul premiat al armatei americane, The Cannoneer. Sheila este acum o mamă care stă acasă, vorbitoare, precum și scriitoare. Sheila compune din experiența a 30 de ani de căsătorie, cinci copii, școlarizare, 10 mișcări de afaceri, doi câini, precum și un dihor. (Fie ca ei să se odihnească în pace.) Ea inspiră femeile, oferindu -le o vedere în lumea ei cu o fereastră de umor, precum și transparență, un moment incomod la un moment dat. Ea ajută femeile să navigheze pe răsuciri emoționale ale vieții, precum și la întoarceri, astfel încât să poată fi femeile autentice pe care Dumnezeu le -a chemat să fie. Puteți respecta ea pe Facebook sau pe blogul ei la
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